“What are some exercises athletes can do daily in order to improve their movement & mobility?”
That’s a broad question, but I will do my best to answer it.
I think improving core stability is the #1 priority no matter what your sport.
I’m a fan of asymmetrical & dynamic exercises that challenge your abs, back, hip & shoulder muscles. Keeping your abs engaged protects your back, & it also improves force & energy transfer to your arms & legs.
Start on the floor with these 6 exercises: supine hollow body hold, alternating bridge march, full dead bug, side plank with arm reaches, prone scorpions, & chaturangas. See video below:
The above exercises get your body moving through a wide range of motion & will alert you to any right vs left asymmetries.
If you struggle more on one side, you’re at risk for developing an overuse injury due to asymmetry. I recommend doing twice as many reps on your less efficient side to help even things out.
If you have pain with any of those movements, get that checked out by a knowledgeable movement specialist. Ask your coach, trainer or PT. Hopefully they can help you remedy the issue.
I would be happy to evaluate you if you’re having any pain or movement problems. Just call or email me, & we can set up a Movement Tune-up.
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